Saturday, October 24, 2009

Greenfield Halloween

For those of you not in Michigan, let me say that the weather recently has been unfortunate. It rained all day yesterday which wouldn't have been a big deal, if we didn't have tickets for Halloween in Greenfield Village. Of course the tickets were non-refundable, non-exchangeable. So, despite the cold and the wet, I prepped us for going out last night to do some tricker-treating. Everything was going fine. I had dinner ready early, for once, and we had plenty of time to get there by 8:00 - the time for our tickets. The speed bump in the road came when the power went out and didn't turn back on. So, we got everyone ready by flashlight and candle. In the darkness, we lost time trying to find the Chief's clone mask and when we finally rushed out of the house we, of course, forgot the camera.

So we're driving through the pouring rain to Dearborn in hopes of making it on time. However, the traffic is as crazy as the weather and we show up a little late. In order to make sure we get into the Village, the Brain drops us off, taking a ticket for himself. Unfortunately, in our franticness, we forget to set a place to meet. I walk in with the kids and he goes to find a parking spot.

Immediately upon entrance, Zu Zu announces she has to go the potty ("Right Now!"). So now, I'm towing 2 kids, a purse, a bag holding Zu Zu's costume, and treat bags to the restrooms in the middle of Greenfield Village. Sigh. We made it, thank goodness. But then, we can't find the Brain and he didn't bring his cell phone. Nice. The next 20 minutes were spent chaotically searching the crowds, hoping to randomly find him. Finally we managed to get together again. The weather cleared and actually warmed up a bit, allowing us to really enjoy an evening of tricks and treats. Here's a couple of okay pictures I managed to take with my phone.

The Chief's favorite part was seeing the Mad Scientist in Thomas Edison's workshop whose creation escaped. Zu Zu's favorite thing was the Headless Horseman. Although, she said, "I think it's pretty hard to have a sword with no head." She and I agreed that he probably needed to find one, though we were unwilling to offer our own. We all like the dancing Skeletons playing the xylophone with bones and I personally liked the Scarecrow that came to life.

All and all, it was late night, but everyone had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, I'm afraid I haven't been a very good father-in-law and just recently checked your blog for the first time in months. As always, it was edifying and fun. Good luck with the novel. My belief is that we all have one really good novel inside of us but very few can muster the effort to put it on paper. I see Clay is now "the Brain" which of course has some truth to it but also seems comical to me. Keep up the blogging, don't forget the pictures! --Doug--
